Thursday, April 9, 2009

Measuring Up

I always find it awkward when I'm approached after playing a show by someone telling me how good a drummer I am. So, part of it is definitely that I don't know how to take a compliment, but another part of it is that I'm not sure that I believe them all the time.

There's a part of me that is searching for that point at which I feel like I'm worthy of praise as a drummer, and it doesn't matter to me who else is impressed until I reach that point for myself. As a test for myself, I decided to throw my hat in the ring to be the next drummer of Smashing Pumpkins. It's an opportunity to see how I stack up against other drummers and to see if what I do stands out. I recorded a video of myself playing the song Cherub Rock as part of the audition process and it turned out pretty okay, all things considered.

I wouldn't say I set out to make this blog some official account of what I've been up to, but I'm not sure I have anything else to blog about at the moment.

The Appleseed Cast is at The End tonight and I think it's safe to assume this might be the only chance I have to write something. The Blog Challenge must go on ...

Oh, also ... You might want to check out To Die For by Hell is for Heroes.

Good stuff.


Patrick Copeland said...

Dude. Very legit. I really want to work it out so we can do something together. till the end.

Amazing son.

micah said...

That was sweet! I think you should bring your drums to our next staffer.