Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Breaking news

It's taken years - Longer than anyone really thought, really, but we've finally done it. We have officially broken the news. Shambles sounds like a nice way of describing the state of the central mode of communicating information in our world today.

Some might say "but wait ... there's still the BBC, the Guardian UK."

Well, that simply doesn't cut it. It's not enough, and one of them is partisan press by design. You can't just get your news from one angle. And yet, despite it being specifically against our rights as people in and of this nation, the United States of America, we are pretty much forced into a very partisan, guarded and false relationship with the people whose life's mission is to inform us.

It's pretty sad - and also quite entertaining - that the most honest, respectable and quite frankly non-partisan news-giver in the media is Jon Stewart. He has an amazing wit and ability to bring us information, frequently by exposing the 'lies' of people who lean at varying degrees to the right. He does this not by forcing his obvious liberal tendencies on the person, but by simply outlining the counter point to their obviously skewed perceptions of our political system. In this way, he exposes the very important point in the middle - the point that is kept out of so much of the news reporting we are exposed to in our lives.

In short, our entire system of enlightenment on political talking points is ludicrous at best and, more pragmatically, totally f*cked. Making a case for socialism ... if you take monetary gains out of the equation where public works (like being a newsman/woman) are concerned, you get a lot more truth. Luckily for us, this is America and we do things the right way ... right?

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