Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Blogging Challenge: Day One, and no other thoughts

The great thing about doing a blogging challenge is that it gives you an excuse not to try on the first day.

I suppose I could post a link to some super cool video. No, that video's not that cool. It's just some dude showing you how to use chopsticks.

I feel like this is an *either you have it or you don't* type skill. It's not like there are millions of people out there wondering how to pick up chopsticks and hold them - I think we all get that part. And pinching them together? Not difficult. It certainly doesn't require some half-assed lesson from the only white dude at the dinner table in Vietnam.

Maybe someone else at the table could answer some tougher questions. Like ... why do Asian markets always smell so bad? I think it's their questionable standards for storing dead fish. If you've been to one, you probably have seen what I mean. Also, what are the realistic chances kung pao chicken is kung pao not chicken?

Putting all of this aside, the biggest reason not to learn how to use chopsticks is the fork. This is followed closely by the spork and less closely by salad tongs.

This blog didn't go where I tought it would. Ignore that whole *no other thoughts* thing in the subject line. Maybe that'll be my blog theme: writing a clear subject line, sticking to it for a sentence or two and then rambling for half an hour.

This did not take half an hour...

Clearly, I'm in trouble here.

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