Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Peas in a pod

Some things just go well together. Peanut butter and jelly, movies and popcorn ... well, I can't think of other things right now, but they're out there. Some of these things that I can't currently think of are stereotypes. Oh! Like politicians and lying. Stereotypical pair, they are, and some times pairs such as these are proven to go beyond the stereotype and in to real life. This exact thing happened today when ESPN ran this story about a NASCAR driver getting busted for being a meth-head. NASCAR and rednecks go together better than just about anything, and you know rednecks love meth. After all, that's why every time I get a cold and can't breathe I have to show my ID and get put in the 'system'.

To anyone who might be a redneck or might be a fan of NASCAR (sorry for the redundancy there, but you never know), I do not apologize. You can't make this kind of thing up - it's just too good!

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