Monday, July 20, 2009

Mythical creatures, redux

It's not necessarily laziness that's prompting me to bring back old blog posts. You see, many of these are stuck on MySpace. You know: the place for friends? Well, it was the place for friends until Facebook took over. Anyway, I think I've gotten better at writing, but I don't see any reason to edit my stupid ranting. Okay. Here goes nothing.

[Jan. 7, 2008]

I was driving back from playing a show in Knoxville on I-40 this weekend and I noticed a strange sign for a state park. I can't remember the name, but it's not really important. The sign had all of your standard icons for a state park. Fishing - check. Camping -check. Picnic Tables - check. But it did have one thing that was just slightly strange to me. One of the icons displayed was a question mark, and, though I'm sure they didn't mean anything by it, it got me thinking about what a question mark could really mean.

There's no real reason to put it there just to indicate that not all parts of the park have been fully explored. That is kind of understandable given the amount of land that is in a decent sized park. There's not really any rational explanation for the icon.

An irrational explanation for the question mark would be that there is a dragon there, and here's why:

1) Given that they are mythical in origin, dragons really shouldn't exist. It'd be a befuddling find to say the least. Certainly warranting a WTF question mark.

2) If you did find a dragon there and weren't befuddled completely, it would be in the best interest of the park not to put a dragon icon on the sign. No one in their right mind would go to a park with a live dragon running around. The park would be closed, and most likely would burn down anyways (you know, due to fire breathing). In this case the question mark is an omission of information AND a warning. You're not saying there's a dragon, but you're certainly not saying there couldn't be one hanging around toasting gigantic marshmallows.

These two arguments could be used for Sasquatch as well. Reason number three for him is that you wouldn't want a bunch of stupid people trying to trap him, so it'd be best not to clue the world into his existence with a sign on the interstate. Be courteous, he could be on vacation at the time share and all of the sudden he's gotta worry about being in the Enquirer again ... or worse yet trapped and put on display. Try telling your wife you're late because some idiot tranq'ed you and put you in a zoo and see if she believes it. Didn't think so.

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