Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Losing your top ...

I'm not sure who, if anyone remembers the story of Tiffany Shepherd, a Florida schoolteacher who lost her job for posing in a bikini while on a fishing trip. I know I didn't until I read the most recent news: she's given up her search for another teaching job in favor of a career as a movie star. Oh, well, they're really just porno's. Go you, Tiffany!

I'm not opposed to people working in pornography, if they choose to do so. I wouldn't support the decision either, but it's just not my place to pontificate on the subject. However, in reading the article I noticed that it was the captain of the fishing boat involved in the scandal, Gil Coombes, who first suggested that being in porn was a good move, letting Tiffany know in his expert opinion that "she'd never get a teaching job again." Let's write out a time line:
  1. Tiffany is a teacher.
  2. Tiffany goes on a boat in a bikini.
  3. Tiffany poses for pictures (probably taken by Gil or at least by his suggestion) in said bikini.
  4. Tiffany loses job.
  5. Tiffany fails to secure another teaching job, even at prisons.
  6. Tiffany is told by Gil that no one would hire her again and that porn would pay the bills.
It's frightening how easy it is to frame this story as one of an evil man systematically taking away the hope of this woman and replacing it with exploitation. This seems even more true when you see quotes from Tiffany like this:
I'm not particularly proud of it. To be honest, I hate it. I'm an educated woman, but I never thought it would come to this. No one gets brought up thinking they'll be a floozy.
Well, Tiffany, at least you're famous now ... right?


Matt said...

He's not exactly an upright law-abiding citizen, either.


He also owns a porn site and webcam. What a coincidence! And his boat company offers charters with topless women on the boat. Guess who one of those women is?

By the way, I did all of this research in the interest of justice.

AAQ said...

In the name of justice ... of course. This all paints a really vivid picture.