Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Don't let this go to your head...

Here's what James Harrison said about this tough hit he laid on Joshua Cribbs this past weekend:
"I thought Cribbs was asleep," Harrison said. "A hit like that geeks you up, especially when you find out the guy is not really hurt, he's just sleeping. He's knocked out but he's going to be OK."
My first instinct is to say something like 'What do you think you are, a doctor?" But the stupidity of his words just won't allow that. Asleep? You're talking about the guy who you just ran down and smashed into, head first, right? He's not narcoleptic. Maybe the hit was so hard that Harrison himself forgot he was even there.

I don't pretend to know much about what the NFL should do when it comes to rules, but I know this: people like Harrison aren't smart enough to figure out what's best. If he can't recognize what a concussion is and the serious repercussions of having this type of injury, he's a danger to everyone he encounters on the field of play. One day, I think he'll regret being so ignorant.

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