Monday, January 11, 2010

Well, we made it ... but at what cost?

Decades come and go, and the first one of the 21st century was no exception. I'm not here to do a recap blog for everything I did in that decade but, overall, I would say it was a success that didn't finish as strongly as I hoped. What I am here to talk about is zombies.

I've been thinking about them a good bit lately -- mostly because I've been playing Left 4 Dead, but also because it's such a strange idea, the zombie and the situation in which you'd find yourself post-zombie apocalypse. The one question that I thought of recently that's never been addressed is whether or not you could eat a zombie for sustenance and not become one yourself.

Granted, these zombies are often characterized as putrid messes of human flesh, missing key parts like an arm, eye or tongue, and possessing something that you'd never want (a virus that turned you undead), but I could see how you might be forced at some point to wonder if you could eat the zombie whose face you just eradicated with a pump action sawed-off shotgun. If you cooked it to a certain temperature, would the disease be killed? Or would ingesting the flesh of a zombie turn you in to one of them no matter what?

Sub-question: Is this cannibalism?

I should probably write about something else while I'm here but, due to scheduling issues, not having internet for a few days and forgetfulness, I've lost all my good ideas. Oh well, I'm sure they'll come back ...

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